Monday, May 28, 2012

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Dream your wildest dreams and
you will live a wild life.

The man who said he never had a
chance, never took one.

I have failed over and over again.
That is why I succeed.
                                            - Michael Jordan

Never stop learning. If you learn
one new thing everyday, you will
overcome 99% of your
                                     - Joe Carlozo

Man is what he believes.

It is the mind that makes good or
ill. That which makes us happy
or sad; rich or poor.
                                            - Edmund Spencer

Never give up! Failure and
rejection are only the first step to
                                        - Jimmy Valvano

Believe in yourself and you will be
                                    - Emily Guay

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Genius is divine perseverance.
Genius I cannot have, but
perseverance all can have.
                                                   - Woodrow Wilson

Money never starts an idea; it's
the idea that starts the money.
                                                       - Mark Victor Hansen

I am not just here to make a
living; I am here to make a life.
                                              - Helice Bridges

Life is short. Focus from this day
forward on making a difference.

Ideas are a dime a dozen, they are
worthless, but people who put
their ideas into action are

The path to success is to take massive
determined action.
                                                     - Anthony Robbins

Your dreams minus your doubts
equal your true worth.

Success comes to those who dare
to begin.

Your success is only limited by
your desire.

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Imagination rules the world.
                                                     - Napoleon Bonaparte

If you think you can or if you
think you can't, either way you
are right.
                                                  - Anthony Robbins

God created all men equal. Why
do some accomplish far greater
accomplishments then others?
Because they had a vision, a
desire, and they took action.
                                                    - Thomas J. Vilord

We can do anything we want to if
we stick to it long enough.
                                             - Helen Keller

Some men give up their designs when
they have almost reached their goal,
while others obtain a victory by exerting,
at the last moment, more
vigorous efforts than ever before.
                                            - Herodotusv

Only those who risk going too far
can possibly find out how far
one can go.
                                        - T.S. Eliot

The achievement of one goal
should be the starting point of
                                                                 - Alexander Graham Bell

People are anxious to improve
their circumstances, but are
unwilling to improve themselves.
That is why they remain bound.
                                             - James Allen

Concentrated thoughts produce
desired results.
                                        - Zig Ziglar

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If you have a burning desire
and a plan to take action, there is
absolutely nothing you cannot
                                               - Thomas J. Vilord

Approach the start of each day
with something in mind and end
the day with one word.. .DONE.

Dreamers look into the future and
see promise. Those who do not
dream only see the future.

Life is only what we choose to
make it.

Happiness is the highest level of

In every problem there is a
hidden treasure inside.
It's your job to find it.

Fear is met and destroyed with
courage. Again and again when the
struggle seems hopeless and all
opportunity lost, the one with a
little more courage, and a little more
effort will have victory.

Anyone who has never made a
mistake has never tried anything
                                             - Albert Einstien

Without ambition no conquests
are made, and no business created.
Ambition is the root of all
                                              - James Champy

Cause change and lead;
accept change and survive;
resist change and die.
                                     - Ray Norda

80% of success is showing up.
                                        - Woody Allen

To change bad habits, we must
study the habits of successful role
                                         - Jack Canfield

He who dares, wins.
                                                 - Winston Churchill

Trust in yourself. Your perceptions
are often far more accurate
than you are willing to believe.
                                          - Claudia Black

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People with goals succeed because
they know where they are going.
                                       - Earl Nightingale

For I can do ALL things through
Christ who gives me strength.
                                         - Philippians 4:13

Excellence is not being the best;
it is doing your best.

When everything feels like an
uphill struggle, just think of the
view from the top.

To me, a winner is someone who
recognizes their God-given talents, works
his tail off to develop them into skills, and
uses those skills to accomplish his goals.
Even when I lost, I learned what my
weaknesses were and I went out the next
day to turn those weaknesses into

The size of your success depends
on the depth of your desire.

Don't limit your challenges;
challenge your limits.

Each day we must strive for
constant and never ending
                                  - Anthony Robbins

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If we are to achieve results
never before accomplished, 
we must expect to employ methods
never before attempted.
                       - Francis Bacon

I have tried 99 times and have
failed, but on the 100th time came
                         - Albert Einstein

Success is more attitude than aptitude.

The past is over.. .forget it. 
The future holds hope.. .
reach for it.

There is always a better way.

Having conceived of his purpose, a
man should mentally mark out a
straight pathway to its achievement,
looking neither to the right
or to the left, but straight.
                          - James Allen

The habit of persistence is the
habit of victory.
                                   - Herbert Kaufman

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Success is predictable.
               - Brian Tracy

To be a champion, you have to
believe in yourself
when nobody else will.
                - Sugar Ray Robinson

Time, patience, and perseverance
will accomplish all things.

                 - anonymous

Society may predict, but only I
can determine my destiny.
                 - Clair Oliver

Accept the past for what it was.
Acknowledge the present for what
it is. Anticipate the future for
what it can become.
                  - Tracy L. McNair

To be a winner, all you have to
give is all you have.
                  - anonymous

Successful people tend to become
more successful because
they are always thinking about
their successes.
                   - Brian Tracy

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People become successful the
minute they decide to.
                     - Harvey Mackay

Winning is not a "sometime"
thing. You don't win once in a
awhile, you don't do things right
once in awhile, you do them right
all of the time. Winning is a habit,
unfortunately, so is losing.
                      - Vince Lombardi

Good things come to those who
hustle while they wait.
                     - anonymous

The fastest way to pass your own
expectations is to add passion to
your labor.
                     - Mike Litman

Your ideas are like
diamonds.. .without the refining
process, they are just a dirty rock,
but by cutting away the impurities,
they become priceless.
                      - Paul Kearly

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Courage is facing your fears.
Stupidity is fearing nothing.
                       - Todd Bellemare

The spirit, the will to win,
and the will to excel are the things
that endure. These qualities are so
much more important than the
events that occur.
                        - Vince Lombardi

Victory is always possible for the
person who refuses to
stop fighting.
                        - Napoleon Hill

Great works are performed
not by strength,
but perseverance.
                        - Dr. Samuel Johnson

People become successful the
minute they decide to.
                       - Harvey Mackay

It doesn't matter what you are thinking,
or what fear you have,
if you just do it!
Action is the only thing that matters.. .
I can see that at the end of my life, 
I am not going to look back and say,
"I wish I had taken more action".
                       - Diana von Welanetz Wentworth

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To accomplish great things,
we must not only act, 
but also dream,
not only plan, but also believe.
                          - Anatole France

When you think you can't....
revisit a previous triumph.
                          - Jack Canfield

Sometimes things become possible
if we want them bad enough.
                          - T.S. Eliot

What you declare, you will achieve.
                         - anonymous

To be a leader,
you must 
stand for something,
or you will fall for anything.
                          - Anthony Pagano

Don't you get it?
This very second you could be
doing something you love and
dream about doing. So do it!
                          - anonymous


If you are like most people, you know it can be hard to stay
motivated and focused 365 days a year whether it be at work,
home, school, etc. Especially on those gloomy Monday mornings.
Some people listen to their favorite song to get them energized,
some read an uplifting story, and others may watch an inspiring
movie.. .the list goes on. I happen to like reading quotes of
successful people. I have quotes placed anywhere that I can see
them; in my bedroom, my car, and in my office. Sometimes I
come into the office and feel a little lethargic and less motivated
than I should be in order to do my job effectively. I need
something extra besides a cup of strong coffee to get me going.
All I do is read a quote from my favorite author or businessman,
and I seem to get myself back on track. I put this collection of
quotes together to help you do the same. We all have the
capabilities to achieve just as much success in life as anyone else.
All we need to do is stay motivated and focused, have specific
goals and act on them. My hope is that this book gives all of you
the extra push you need to get out there and grab life by the horns

and achieve all the success life has to offer.